The Throw-Away Generation
We live in a throw-away generation. Per capita, each person in the US produces 760 kilograms, or almost one ton of garbage per year...
In the Light of Rabbi Shimon
The group of sages gathered around the bed of their mentor, listening avidly to the words of wisdom emitting from his lips. His final request of...
Will the format of our prayers change in the time of Redemption?
When the Child Becomes Bar Mitzva
On the eve of 20 Elul 5760 (2000), the bar mitzva of Yosef Sorotzkin was celebrated. It was an especially moving occasion because Yosef, a sweet...
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Passover Calendar 5781
Passover 5781 (2021): First days of Pesach, Chol HaMoed (Intermediate Days) and Last Days of Passover.
How To Celebrate Pesach
Seder Essentials * Preparing the Seder * The Seder Guide * Preparing For The Holiday * Contract For Selling Chametz * Customs
Passover Stories
Great Passover Odyssey * Pesach in Siberia * To Save A Soul * The Building Competition * Passover Under the Nazis * My First Passover * Childhood...
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