Publicizing the miracles that G-d does for us might be the one final act that we need to do to bring Moshiach.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, King Moshiach has addressed this question, albeit from a slightly different angle. “A Chassid could argue that his whole purpose is to study Torah and he has no time for other matters, including ‘miracle stories,’ which aren't that important to him. Chassidim would say that in the courtyards of the greats of Chassidism, the miracles used to 'roll under the tables,' but no one bothered to pick them up,” (because they were so intent on absorbing the Torah teachings).
However, the Rebbe maintains that times have changed. Since we are so close to Redemption, publicizing the miracles that G-d does for us might be the one final act that we need to do to bring Moshiach.
The Midrash relates that G-d wanted to make King Chizkiyah (Ezekiah) Moshiach. However, the attribute of Justice complained: “G-d made so many miracles for Chizkiya - He was rescued from Sancherev, and healed from his illness, and still he did not offer praise to G-d. Is he worthy to be Moshiach?” After this complaint, G-d “dropped the idea,” so to speak.
Think for a moment: Despite all his stellar qualifications, the one thing that prevented King Chizkiyah from being Moshiach was the fact that he did not offer praise to G-d. We certainly don't want to leave any barriers in the way of the complete Redemption. Thus, we must take every opportunity to share and publicize the miracles and salvation that G-d performs for us. In this way, we both acknowledge G-d's intervention in our lives and express our gratitude to Him.